Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Workout Book Review: The RealAge Workout by Michael Roizen, M.D.

Like most men growing up during my time, I was once active.  I remember during the summer, running Track and during the winter playing hockey on the outdoor rink.  I also had a part time paper route that had me walking two hours a day 6 days a week.  Of course there was somethings that I could improve but like many of us our childhood was relatively healthy.

I turned 40 this year, and have been thinking a while about my health and how there are a lot of things that I enjoy that I can't seem to do anymore.  For example, two lengths of the pool and I am out of breath, I can't run more than half a block and I feel like I'm falling apart and lifting things that are moderately heavy I got to watch my back.

Why is this?  Due to our busy lives, our desk jobs, the stress in our lives and other factors we have lost our core strength and haven't taken the time to go out and enjoy life and reduce the stress that bottles up in our bodies during the day.  If you do that for too long it becomes a habit and your body gets used to living that way.  And the road back is long hard fight that often get discouraging and we quit, promising next year we will do better.

I found this book the Real Age Workout by Michael F. Roizen, MD who came up with the Real Age calculator for calculating your health.  He has worked with Dr. Oz and really promotes good health and with this book a simple way to get back into shape without a lot of the pain and the discouraging results of other plans that may or may not work.

There are four phases to this workout:

Phase 1 (Days 1-30):  Walk 30 minutes each day - either all at once or 10 minutes or more at a time.

Phase 2 (Days 31-60):  Increase your level of activity by adding 7-10 minutes of strength training of your foundation muscles every other day.

Phase 3 (Days 61-90):  Increase your level of activity by adding 8-10 Minutes of Strength training of your non-foundational muscles every other day.

Phase 4 (Days 91 onwards):  Increase your level of activity with 21 minutes of stamina or aerobic exercises, 3 times a week.

So it gives you a gradual workup to the parts of the exercise that is the most difficult.  The parts where most people get discouraged and quit.  The book does take some time to read before you get to the first workout part, but if you spend the time doing that read, you really understand how the program works and why you are doing what you are doing.  As well, it gives you a good stretching routine that will help you get those muscles stretched out and into a place where you won't be as likely to hurt yourself.

Click this link to check out this book or purchase it on Amazon. Good luck in your goals in getting back in shape or continuing to live a healthy lifestyle.  Let me know what works for you or how you enjoyed this book.

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